A friend of mine wrote this script for some reason and forwarded to me for the heck of it! I have no use for it but figured somebody else might be looking for it! So here it is... If you have any questions, feel free to post 'em and I will run it by Narayan. -- ============================== =============== -- Author: -- Create date: -- Description: -- ============================== =============== CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ udfLatLonRadiusDistance] ( @lat1Degrees decimal(15,12), @lon1Degrees decimal(15,12), @lat2Degrees decimal(15,12), @lon2Degrees decimal(15,12) ) RETURNS decimal(9,2) AS BEGIN DECLARE @ earthSphereRadiusNauticalMiles as decimal(10,6) DECLARE @ nauticalMileConversionToMilesF actor as decimal(7,6) SELECT @ earthSphereRadiusNauticalMiles = 6366.707019 SELECT @ nauticalMileConversionToMilesF actor = .621371 -- convert degrees to radians DECLARE @lat1Radians decimal(15,12) DECLARE @lon1Radians decimal(15,12) DECLARE @lat2Radians decimal(15,12) DECL...
Two Plus One Is Us! Initially started out as a title for our family blog, it didn't take long to realize that when you blog, other person reads and a third person comments you essentially have a small group that is contributing to a meaningful discussion resulting in enrichment of minds and problem solving. That small group is Us.