To fill up my database with test data, I needed to generate dummy text, phone numbers, social security numbers etc. There are data generators out there, but i wanted to write my own, so here it is... ALTER FUNCTION dbo . fn_WORD_JUMBLER ( @Text VARCHAR ( MAX ) = '' , @DataType INT = 0 , -- 0 = random text, 1 = random number @DataLenth INT = 10 ) RETURNS VARCHAR ( MAX ) AS BEGIN /* USAGE: SELECT dbo.fn_word_jumbler('ankeet Is Awesome!', DEFAULT, DEFAULT) SELECT dbo.fn_word_jumbler('1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', DEFAULT, DEFAULT) -- ALPHABETS SELECT dbo.fn_word_jumbler(DEFAULT, 0, DEFAULT) -- NUMBERS SELECT dbo.fn_word_jumbler(DEFAULT, 1, DEFAULT) ============================================================================= Created By: Ankeet Shah Purpose: Accepts an input and Returns the same text in reor...
Two Plus One Is Us! Initially started out as a title for our family blog, it didn't take long to realize that when you blog, other person reads and a third person comments you essentially have a small group that is contributing to a meaningful discussion resulting in enrichment of minds and problem solving. That small group is Us.