I had a tough time to apply alternate row colors to a SSRS Matrix and finally figured out!
Without further ado, here it is...
Assume you have a matrix with more than 1, lets say 2 row groupings; RG1 and RG2.
1. Right-click on RG2 (innermost row group), and select "Insert Group"; for simplicity call it "RowColorGroup"
2. In the "Group On" section, add some constant value - for example ="" or ="ankeet" etc... you get the idea!
3. Select the newly created group "RowColorGroup" and enter the following in its "Value" property: =iif(RunningValue(Fields!RG1.Value & Fields!RG2.Value,CountDistinct,Nothing) Mod 2, "LightSteelBlue", "White")
4. Select the "BackgroundColor" property of "RowColorGroup" and enter "=Value"
5. Set the width of "RowColorGroup" to 0pt and "CanGrow" to false
6. Select the data cell(s) and set their "BackgroundColor" property to "=ReportItems!RowColorGroupTextBox.Value"
All Done! Here's how it looks like

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Without further ado, here it is...
Assume you have a matrix with more than 1, lets say 2 row groupings; RG1 and RG2.
1. Right-click on RG2 (innermost row group), and select "Insert Group"; for simplicity call it "RowColorGroup"
2. In the "Group On" section, add some constant value - for example ="" or ="ankeet" etc... you get the idea!
3. Select the newly created group "RowColorGroup" and enter the following in its "Value" property: =iif(RunningValue(Fields!RG1.Value & Fields!RG2.Value,CountDistinct,Nothing) Mod 2, "LightSteelBlue", "White")
4. Select the "BackgroundColor" property of "RowColorGroup" and enter "=Value"
5. Set the width of "RowColorGroup" to 0pt and "CanGrow" to false
6. Select the data cell(s) and set their "BackgroundColor" property to "=ReportItems!RowColorGroupTextBox.Value"
All Done! Here's how it looks like

Item1 class1 countclass1
class2 countclass2
class3 countclass3
I can get my Items to alternate colors and then I can get all classes to equal the same color as the parent Item, but I can NOT get me countclass rows to change colors at all to match either the color of the class or item. It simply remains white with everything I have tried. Can you offer a suggestion? Thanks!
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