Creating Dynamic Filter Based on Tab Selection Use Report Studio to get the following end result. (Yesterday) (Month to Date) (Life to Date) Create a Query Create a new query to be used solely to hold the tab values. Call it “TimeFrame Query” and create data items for every time frame that you’d like to appear. The expression definition should be a string encapsulated in single quotes. Create a String Variable Next let’s go ahead and create a string variable called “Tab Condition”. Define the expression as shown below: if (paramvalue('paramTabChoice') is null) then ('LTD') else (paramvalue('paramTabChoice')) This expression will set a default tab value for the report. Next, we will need to create a string value to correspond to every data item we created in the query. Note: The values of this variable must exactly match the expression definition of the data items we created. It is not necessary to use single quotes when ...