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Using SQL To Calculate XIRR (Internal Rate of Return)

Thanks to, I was finally able to get a sql way to calculate XIRR. After 2 long hours of search I found this site and the logic as well as the code works perfectly well!

XIRR is a function in excel that calculates Internal Rate of Return based on payments/income over a period of time.

Without further ado, here is the code (a slightly modified version from Happy XIRRing!

-- First, CREATE XIRR Table to store values
amt float,
dt datetime,
guid varchar(128)

create function dbo.XIRR(
@d datetime,
@GUID varchar(128)
) returns decimal(18,10)

USAGE: select @IRR = dbo.xirr(null, guid)
select @IRR IRR, @IRR * 100 'IRR %'

Note: Leave the first parameter (date) null if you wish to see the XIRR calculated as
of the maximum date in the dataset provided else provide a specific date to see
the XIRR calculated as the given date.

Created By: Ankeet Shah
Created On: 7/16/2008

IF @d is null
SELECT @d = max(d) from IncomeTable

declare @irrPrev float set @irrPrev = 0
declare @irr float set @irr = -0.1
declare @PresentValuePrev float
declare @PresentValue float

set @PresentValuePrev = ( select sum(amt) from XIRRTempData where guid = @GUID )
set @PresentValue = (select sum(amt/power(1e0+@irr,cast(dt-@d as float)/360)) from XIRRTempData where guid = @GUID )

while abs(@PresentValue) >= 0.0001
declare @t float

set @t = @irrPrev
set @irrPrev = @irr
set @irr = @irr + (@t-@irr)*@PresentValue/(@PresentValue-@PresentValuePrev)
set @PresentValuePrev = @PresentValue
set @PresentValue = (select sum(amt/power(1e0+@irr,cast(dt-@d as float)/365)) from XIRRTempData where guid = @GUID )

return @irr

-- usage
-- generate a GUID
DECLARE @GUID varchar(128)

-- INSERT test data INTO XIRRTempData table
insert into XIRRTempData values(-50000, '1/1/2007', @GUID)
insert into XIRRTempData values(500, '1/10/2007', @GUID)
insert into XIRRTempData values(500, '6/1/2007', @GUID)
insert into XIRRTempData values(500, '10/25/2007', @GUID)
insert into XIRRTempData values(500, '12/31/2007', @GUID)
insert into XIRRTempData values(500, '3/1/2008', @GUID)
insert into XIRRTempData values(51000, '6/15/2008', @GUID)

declare @IRR numeric(18,10)

select @IRR = dbo.xirr(getdate(), @GUID)
select @IRR IRR, @IRR * 100 'IRR %', getdate() DateParam

select @IRR = dbo.xirr(null, @GUID)
select @IRR IRR, @IRR * 100 'IRR %', NULL DateParam


drop function xirr

select * from XIRRTempData

drop table XIRRTempData


Anonymous said…

This was very important to my life.

Congratulations. This Script is the best.
Anonymous said…
your sql is very well.
Anonymous said…
I've been using your script with much pleasure. I just experienced an issue where the first IRR iteration returns a large negative value. Adding this line solves the problem.

if @irr <=-1 set @irr = -0.99

You can reproduce this problem with those cash flows

-26,883,795.46 30/11/2008
27,940.57 01/12/2008
-25,473.85 11/12/2008
2,633,082.89 18/12/2008
2,732,488.24 19/12/2008
2,000,832.57 22/12/2008
674,658.57 23/12/2008
12,753,228.03 31/12/2008

Anonymous said…
Excellent post! With Jacques correction I can confirm that the results are as accurate or better than the Excel XIRR function.
Anonymous said…
just to summarize the above

if Object_ID('tempdb..#IncomeTable') is not null drop table #IncomeTable
CREATE TABLE #IncomeTable(
CashFlows float,
DataDate smalldatetime
truncate table #IncomeTable

insert into #IncomeTable values(-26883795.46, '30 Nov 2008')
insert into #IncomeTable values(27940.57, '01 Dec 2008')
insert into #IncomeTable values(-25473.85, '11 Dec 2008')
insert into #IncomeTable values(2633082.89, '18 Dec 2008')
insert into #IncomeTable values(2732488.24, '19 Dec 2008')
insert into #IncomeTable values(2000832.57, '22 Dec 2008')
insert into #IncomeTable values(674658.57, '23 Dec 2008')
insert into #IncomeTable values(12753228.03, '31 Dec 2008')

declare @DataDate smalldatetime

select @DataDate = min(DataDate) from #IncomeTable

declare @irrPrev float set @irrPrev = 0
declare @irr float set @irr = -0.1
declare @PresentValuePrev float
declare @PresentValue float

set @PresentValuePrev = ( select sum(CashFlows) from #IncomeTable)
set @PresentValue = (select sum(CashFlows/power(1e0+@irr,cast(DataDate-@DataDate as float)/360)) from #IncomeTable)

while abs(@PresentValue) >= 0.0001
declare @t float
set @t = @irrPrev
set @irrPrev = @irr
set @irr = @irr + (@t-@irr) * @PresentValue / (@PresentValue-@PresentValuePrev)
if @irr <=-1 set @irr = -0.99999
set @PresentValuePrev = @PresentValue
set @PresentValue = (select sum(CashFlows/power(1+@irr,cast(DataDate-@DataDate as float)/365)) from #IncomeTable)

print 'Result:'
select @IRR IRR, cast(ROUND(@IRR,6) * 100 as decimal(18,4)) 'IRR %'
Blogger said…
Thanks Jacques and Anon for the corrections!
Anonymous said…
I am getting an error divide by zero during the calculation. ie
my previousvalue and current previous value are the same making the
set @irr = @irr + (@t-@irr) * @PresentValue / (@PresentValue-@PresentValuePrev) throw the divide by zero error. Any extra fix anyone can suggest?
Blogger said…
Anon, most likely @PresentValue and @PresentValuePrev have same value (as if you didnt know!).. i would just add a case statement around @PresentValue-@PresentValuePrev to check for zero value and return some very small value - so atleast it does not error out. Your final value will still be inaccurate though.
Anonymous said…
Thanks but then i seem to get stuck in an infinite loop. code below

WHILE abs(@PresentValue) >= 0.01
declare @t float
set @t = @irrPrev
set @irrPrev = @irr
set @irr = @irr + (@t-@irr) * @PresentValue / case when @PresentValue-@PresentValuePrev = 0 then 0.0025 else @PresentValue-@PresentValuePrev end
if @irr <=-1 set @irr = -0.99999
set @PresentValuePrev = @PresentValue
set @PresentValue = (select sum(Value/power(1+@irr,cast(Date-@DataDate as float)/365)) from #XIRR)
Can you post the suggested fix?
Anonymous said…

If the xirr calculation definition is (valuerange,daterange, error)

what part of the sql algorithm defines the error value. I need to be able to specify the error as a +- value.
Anonymous said…
My XIRR Function gets stuck with infinite while loop with some values.I am using same function . can anybody help me? thanks in avance..
Unknown said…
Hi i found this error in your function if you have any solution for same then reply .

Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type float.
Anonymous said…
This method is pretty much using the secant method right? How do you ensure that your solution always converges?

Anonymous said…
big thanks for Ankeet Shah!
Thank You So Much It Is Working
Unknown said…
very useful. Thank you for sharing. Waiting for other posts Microstrategy Online Training
Anonymous said…
Thansk a lot for fastest method!
PS my advise: if you see an overflow, try to change a sing near var @irr to the string:
set @irr = -0.1
set @irr = 0.1

Anonymous said…
Friend! It's me again (Anonymous ;-)) That's my updated function text:
Create FUNCTION [dbo].[XIRR]
(@CF [CashFlowTable] READONLY)
RETURNS decimal(18,10)
declare @d date
SELECT @d = max(PayDate) from @CF

declare @irrPrev float set @irrPrev = 0
declare @irr float set @irr = 0.1
declare @PresentValuePrev float
declare @PresentValue float
declare @Cnt int = 0
declare @t float
declare @delta float
if (select count(*) FROM @CF) < 2 return NULL --Bad (too short) cashflow
set @PresentValuePrev = ( select sum(Payment) from @CF)
set @PresentValue = (select sum(Payment/power(1e0+@irr,DateDiff(day,@d,PayDate)/365.0)) from @CF)

while abs(@PresentValue) >= 0.0001 and @Cnt < 100
set @t = @irrPrev
set @irrPrev = @irr
select @Delta = @PresentValue-@PresentValuePrev
-- If this method does not converge, we use ALTERNATHIVE slow biPart method (named XIRR1)
if @Delta = 0 set @irr = dbo.XIRR1(@CF)
else set @irr = @irr + (@t-@irr)*@PresentValue/@delta
--we limit the allowable calculated rate from -1 to 3
if @irr <=-1 set @irr = -0.99999 --To avoin ERROR in power function
if @irr >=3 set @irr = 3 --To avoin OVERFLOW in power function
set @PresentValuePrev = @PresentValue
set @PresentValue = (select sum(Payment/power(1e0+@irr,DateDiff(day,@d,PayDate)/365.0)) from @CF)
set @Cnt += 1

if @Cnt = 100 select @irr = null --If Cnt=100 we do not trust the result

return @irr
Thanks the Blogger again!
Anonymous said…
Hi Anon

do you mind sharing the alternative slow biPart method XIRR1?
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Anonymous said…
This had worked for me for a long time, the received a divide by zero error similar to that mentioned by others on this thread.
I discovered a different implementation of XIRR here: which seems to give results consistent with Excel and avoids the divide by zero error I was getting.
Anonymous said…
This had worked for me for a long time, the received a divide by zero error similar to that mentioned by others on this thread.
I discovered a different implementation of XIRR here: which seems to give results consistent with Excel and avoids the divide by zero error I was getting.

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